
Ten Simple Organising Ideas For People Working From Home

If you work from home or you have a home business you quickly realise that you need to make maximum use of each minute in order to be effective. 

Here are just a few quick ideas that can help you get better organized:
1.    Declutter Your Desk
An uncluttered desktop erases unnecessary distractions and helps keep your mind on tasks that need immediate attention. Keep only the items on your desk that relate to your current projects.

2.    Set Up Files For Projects
Don't waste time searching for papers when you need them. Keep all paperwork that pertains to a certain project together in one large folder.

3.    Don't Rely On Your Memory
You run the risk of letting tasks fall through the cracks. The best way to never forget an appointment, a deadline or a detail again, is to write everything down.

4.    Use One Calendar
The biggest mistake people make when using planning calendars is to keep more than one. Keep
personal, professional and family items on one calendar. It will help to eliminate scheduling conflicts. Remember, 'the man who wears two watches, never knows the correct time.'

5.    Consolidate Similar Activities
Instead of starting and stopping at different levels of activity, you'll save time by making all of your outgoing telephone calls together, taking care of all your errands at once, etc.

6.    Determine Your Best Time For Tasks
Use your most productive time to do your most productive work. Alert in the morning? Afternoon? Tackle your most difficult, important work during the time of day when you're at your best and you're most likely to complete it.

7.    Set Deadlines
Setting a deadline forces you to work towards it. Set a definite date and time. Saying, 'When I get a chance' or 'Sometime in the near future' is insufficient.

8.    Develop False Deadlines
If you have a deadline at the end of the month, record the deadline four days earlier. You'll eliminate the last- minute rush to complete the project because you'll have given yourself ample padding.

9.    Make Good Use Of Space
Add shelving for reference books and manuals. Add space extenders in desk drawers. Buy full-suspension file cabinets. Use stacking bins.

10.    Set Time Limits
If you have to work late, or during the weekend, set time limits for yourself. Whether you work for two or four hours, stop working at the end of that time and enjoy the rest of the evening or weekend.

* Tips Adopted from World-Renowned Professional Organizer and Author, Maria Gracia

Additional Resources

Organize Your Home
Are you sick and tired of the clutter, the mountains of paper, the overloaded email inbox, the lack of time you have to enjoy yourself, and the general disorganization in your life? If so, you won't want to miss this.

To get more details click on the link: Organize your home

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